You don’t have to put bleach on your skin every day like Benzoyl Peroxide, swallow antibiotic pills, or other harsh chemicals to stop acne.
We formulated a effective and proven Clear & Acne Method healthy for skin without side effects. The balanced action of our pro grade and natural products cleanses the skin of acne, regulates PH balance, and keeps it resistant to acne.

Balanced Acne Care Regimen
Pro-grade treatments paired with natural and organic skincare.
Natural solution to get again balanced skin
HelloI am Kurtovic Mirsada, med. aesthetician who practice skincare for more than 30 years. I had a lot of customers who got clear skin after years of struggling with the wrong treatments from blackheads & whiteheads to the occasional acne flare-up, hormonal acne, severe cystic acne, dark marks, or scars.
In many of my patients, it is a combination of factors that lead to skin conditions. Recognizing the underlying causes of your acne is the first step to getting blemishes under control.
Each of my patients is unique and receives an individualized Clear & Healthy Skin Plan that is unique to them. Treatments may include Naturally Balanced Skincare, Acne facials, Dietary & lifestyle recommendations. Finally getting rid of acne require a combination of these approaches.
It requires patience and compliance, but for those who are committed, clear skin is your new look!
I am asking my clients to follow my instructions for the best and fastest result.
Consultation and recommendations
I don’t start any treatment plan without consultation. You can choose online consultation or in the office. They are FREE. I need to analyze skin your skin condition, your skincare history, lifestyle, and diet. Fighting acne is not just a topical situation (unfortunately). From your diet, hormonal imbalance, skincare to your sleep habits, a range of lifestyle factors impact the glow level of your skin.
Balanced Skincare Regimen
You can be sure with our products that you are on right track: calm inflammation, clean pores, normal sebum flow, keep your skin healthy PH balance (so important for skin!) and rejuvenate new healthy skin. All our products take equally care from clearing skin to maintain healthy free blemish skin.
Next is your consistency to follow the regime.
When trying to get clear skin, you should never underestimate the importance of what you eat. A skin-friendly diet should focus on dark, leafy greens and getting a variety of color in fruits and vegetables.
Hydration is essential. Without proper hydration, toxins have a hard time being removed. Many symptoms like skin irritation, inflammation, and long-lasting redness have caused in your body, precisely in the gut.
Acne facials with products or just products?
Choose what work for you
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